Ms Maria Jerliee F. Casas, RSLP

Jerilee works in private practice in Metro Manila, Phillippines. She received her degree as a speech pathologist from the University of the Philippines-Manila and started her journey with PROMPT in 2007. Her interest in motor speech disorders has motivated her to pursue further training to share the understanding of PROMPT with fellow speech pathologists as a PROMPT Instructor. She has given lectures and workshops on PROMPT in the United States, Australia and Asian countries such as the Phillippines, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and India. She, along with her instructor colleagues, have contributed in adjusting the PROMPT system to the south, southeast, and east asian languages.
Over the years, Jerilee has worked as a speech pathologist in the academe, hospital and her own practice working with a variety of communication challenges. She has particular interest in motor speech disorders (speech sound disorder, childhood apraxia of speech, autism spectrum disorder, developmental delays, feeding difficulties, sensory processing disorders).